
Comparing the Cost and Price Plans of the Top 23 Website Speed Testing Tools

23 Best Website Speed Testing Tools: Cost and Price Plans
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The popularity of website speed optimization tools is growing, especially among the ones who run a blog or online store and believe that a fast site is an integral part of the user experience. That’s why you’ve probably already heard about various website speed-testing tools. This list of 23 Best Website Speed Testing Tools was created to help you find a perfect solution and choose the best tool for your needs.


Sitechecker is a free and easy-to-use tool that allows you to optimize your website’s performance by checking its speed and accessibility. With Sitechecker, you can also test your site’s load time against other websites in the same category or industry. To run a test on your site, simply enter the URL of it into the box below and click “Submit.” The results will be displayed below in seconds!


  • Basic: $33/month
  • Standard: $124/month
  • Premium: $208/month

Start monitoring how external and internal changes impact your website's technical health, organic search traffic, conversions, and revenue.

Sucuri Load Time Tester

Comparing the Cost and Price Plans of the Top 23 Website Speed Testing Tools Softlist.io

Sucuri Load Time Tester is a free tool that lets you see how long your web page loads over various connection speeds. You can use it to test your website or other web pages’ performance on different devices and connection types. This tool has been built by Sucuri and is powered by Pingdom. It will also tell you how mobile-friendly your site is and provide suggestions for improving page load times.


  • Contact Sucuri Load Time Tester for pricing details.

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