
Guide to Product Description Generator

Product Description Generator
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Like most eCommerce businesses, there are a lot of factors to juggle, and compelling product descriptions are one of the crucial ones that will improve your sales significantly. Most customers, 87 percent to be exact, consider product description generators when making a purchase.

Writing quality product descriptions is time-consuming for people who aren’t natural writers. Don’t worry! Follow some simple tips to write product descriptions that make you stand out and quickly achieve excellent results.

Let’s learn about product description generators and how to put them into use.

What is a Product Description?

free product description generator for your shopify app store

One of the main goals of a product description is to help you clinch the sale.

A product description briefly explains what a product does and why it would benefit customers. It can be found on websites, in ads, and in other promotional materials to help people decide whether or not they want to purchase the item.

Quality product descriptions aim to interest potential customers and convince them to buy an item. It should be readable, direct, and uncomplicated. Several studies show that millennials are almost half as likely to purchase an object based on compelling product descriptions.

To create product descriptions that are excellent and unique, you need to understand the following:

What makes the product unique?

What are its key features?

What are the benefits of using this product?

How does the product compare with similar products?

Your e-commerce websites should include relevant product information, such as features, specifications, and pricing.

Your product description is one of the essential tools you have to sell your product. Customers need to know why they should buy it from you.

product description sample

When should you use the Product Description Generator?

Knowing when to use a product description generator tool is essential to ensure you are using it for the proper purpose. If you were to use a product description generator tool for the wrong reason, it would likely not produce the results you want.

Professional copywriters will always have a place in the market. Still, a product description generator tool can help break writer’s block and save time in creating captivating product descriptions.

The goal is to give the shopper every scrap of data they need to make a buying choice.

Writing product descriptions can be time-consuming, but with our quick product description generator, you can create original descriptions quickly and easily.

How to Write a Compelling Product Description? 

If you want to write product descriptions that are excellent, keep the following tips in mind.

Primarily, remember to include all of the vital information potential buyers need to know – everything from size and color to price and shipping time. Secondly, don’t be afraid to get creative!

You can make your listing stand out by writing original content that will wow buyers.

Guide to Product Description Generator Softlist.io

To write a compelling product description, follow these steps:

Know Your Target Audience

Guide to Product Description Generator Softlist.io

To successfully market your product, you must focus on targeting a specific audience and writing unique product descriptions for them.

Your product descriptions should always be tailored to your target audience. Consider how you would speak to a customer in a store – use the same brand’s tone in your writing. That is why it is good to use a product description generator Remember that it is essential to write in a way your readers will understand easily.

People are generally more likely to read an eCommerce product description if it’s written and sounds conversational.

Write Down the Product Benefits

Every product has good and bad features, which you should mention in the description. If there are any negative aspects, determine how to turn them into positives.

Figuring out categories can be challenging, all those product descriptions, especially with electronics that are constantly changing and updating (like cell phones).

When thinking about your product, don’t just list its features. Instead, try to find a way to show how it would work better than another handset in the same category. And most importantly, think about how your product for your eCommerce business, fits into what customers are looking for–the bigger picture.

If you want people to purchase your smartphone over others, you must create convincing descriptions.

Keep these questions in mind when writing your high-quality descriptions:

-What does the product do?

-How will the product solve their problem?

By qualities, we mean how your product can make consumers happier, healthier, or more productive. Emphasize these aspects in your product descriptions.

Create Compelling Story

compelling product descriptions

Quality production descriptions that sell do so because the company includes all of the necessary information to persuade. Not only does this include logical reasoning, but an emotional appeal as well.

The fact that shoppers’ behavior is influenced by their emotions is commonly known. Therefore, your product description can be written to elicit the desired sentiment from the reader.

Your story should evoke images and include many specifics, such as who created the product and what motivated them, to create an emotional connection with potential buyers. This is why you should use a product description generator to write a compelling one. The consumer should feel like they can visualize themselves using your product.

Use Words for Emotional Impact

The words you use in your product descriptions can influence potential buyers’ emotions and persuade them to make a purchase. With product description generators, you’d never have a problem with this.

Keep an eye out for these words and phrases when you’re reviewing your product:







The power of this tool lies in its ability to help people address life’s most pressing issues more effectively.

Use Bullet Points to make it more scannable

product description sample

Using bullet points makes your product descriptions more scannable and easier to digest. This storytelling technique breaks the text into manageable chunks and helps emphasize specific vital points. This would be easy if you’d use an AI-assisted product description generator.

According to a study, nearly 4 out of 5 people would rather read pages and look for specific words instead of reading word by word. To make your description easy to follow and understand, use bullet points. This format will also help potential buyers focus on critical aspects of the product without getting sidetracked. This is especially true when the object can be described in a few lines of text.

Another good idea is to use shorter paragraphs to improve the readability of your product descriptions. You can also highlight specific words by bolding them after you’ve finished writing the report to help draw readers’ attention.

Use natural language

Product descriptions should be written in natural language so that buyers can understand what the product is and how it can be used. This will increase the likelihood of them becoming paying customers.

To make your text more relatable, try using terms that are commonly used in everyday conversation. For example, you could use words like “easy to use,” “intuitive,” or “convenient.”

Do not forget the SEO

SEO or search engine optimization is a key element in gaining visibility on search engines.

Search engine optimizing your product description can help you bring in organic traffic. You can do this easily with a product description generator for it is developed to comply with SEO criteria.

One primary method to attract customers to your product could be through SEO. It all starts with finding the right keywords, which identify the searches customers make. As a content marketer, you always have to keep SEO in mind.

Search engine optimization not only improves your product’s visibility on search engines but can also help increase brand awareness and lead generation.

Use Images to Enhance Your Product Description

Adding images to your product description is an excellent way to make the page more visually appealing and help potential buyers see what the object looks like.

Furthermore, images can act as buttons that help persuade people to read more of your product’s description.

A potential buyer’s purchasing decision can be influenced by images even before they narrow down their choices of which product to buy.

Product Description Generator vs. Outsourced Copywriting

Many merchants outsource copywriting to freelance copywriters or marketing agencies. This is an excellent idea if you are looking for a high-quality copy.

This approach will increase the quality of your copy (mostly). You should ask yourself again: “How influential are my product descriptions in conversion rates?”

It all depends on the product you are selling. Your product descriptions will have less conversion power if they don’t appeal emotionally.

Budget is another crucial factor. While agencies and freelancers may charge high fees to write product descriptions, the tools that we’ll be discussing in a moment are usually much more affordable.

Think about the emotionality of your products, the mindset of your customers, and your budget. Next, make the decision about which option is best for you.

Final Thoughts

product description generator creates high quality product descriptions

Now that you’ve reached the end of this guide, you should have a much better understanding of how to write product descriptions that are both informative and engaging. Remember, your product descriptions are one of the most important aspects of your online storefront, so it’s worth taking the time to perfect them.

If you’re still not sure where to start, there are plenty of product description generators out there that can help you get the job done quickly and efficiently. And if you’re looking to optimize your product descriptions for SEO, be sure to check out our guide to the best SEO product description generators. With these tools in your arsenal, you’ll be well on your way to writing product descriptions that drive conversions and generate sales. Thanks for reading!


free product description generator faq

Q. Why is it important to have product descriptions?

Ans: If you’re looking to sell goods online, well-written product descriptions are key to success. They’ll be the first thing potential customers see when searching for items on Google and other platforms. If your descriptions aren’t up to snuff, though, you risk losing business – consumers won’t bother with products that don’t sound appealing.

Q. How do I create highly specific product descriptions?

Ans: Your product descriptions should always include information that is specific to the product. Write your descriptions with an understanding of what values and benefits prospects would be looking for. In addition, make sure you are tailoring each description to a specific audience instead of writing for the general public. The generator’s sidebar should provide all relevant and accurate information potential customers might need when making their purchase decision.

Q. Is the Product Description & Brand Story the same?

Ans: Although they are used interchangeably, Product Description and Brand Story differ in meaning. A product description is a text you write to inform potential customers of what you offer. It needs Concise yet complete, as well as be attuned to the particular audience your product speaks to. In contrast, a brand story refers to the larger narrative behind your brand and its products which can also be included but only momentarily in product descriptions.

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