
How to Convert Audio to Text in Word?

audio to text converter
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This article will discuss why and how to convert audio to text in Word. The fantastic feature of converting audio to text has appealed to many of its users who want to convert their audio files quickly.

What is Audio to Text?

Audio-to-text is a process of converting audio files into text. This is done by analyzing the audio file and detecting its speech pattern. Using this, the software converts the existing audio file into text. The process of converting a video file into text is done similarly.

The transcribe feature allows you to convert your spoken notes into written text. This is useful for people who want to type their notes fast and efficiently. Multiple speakers are a common problem in business. A meeting or conference call can be recorded and transcribed with the help of an audio-to-text converter. The transcribed files folder allows you to convert any audio file into text.

Word Transcribe is a free online app that converts audio files into text in Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. The app supports MP3, WMA, and OGG audio formats and works on all platforms, including Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, and Android. Playback controls are used to control the playback of a file. They include Stop and Play buttons, as well as volume controls.

Audio-to-text converters can convert any audio file, such as music, podcasts, and speech files, into readable text format. These converters are accessible online; however, they may need technical expertise to set up correctly.

The app runs the audio file through a program that reads it aloud. The program then records the spoken words and saves them as a text file. You can then open the saved text file in a word processor and edit it accordingly.

How does it work?

How to Convert Audio to Text in Word? Softlist.io

The audio-to-text converter is a simple and easy-to-use tool that converts audio files into text files. The audio file will be converted into a text file so you can edit it if necessary. This process is usually done in a matter of minutes, depending on the length of the original audio file.

It’s simply converting the audio file to text and then pasting it into any word processor. The only thing that must be done is to ensure you have a microphone connected to your computer and that the microphone is turned on. If you have an audio recording device, such as a dictaphone or smartphone with a built-in microphone, this may be all that’s required.

How to Convert Audio to Text In Word?

How to Convert Audio to Text in Word? Softlist.io

You can save audio files in Microsoft Office Word format by converting audio files to text. This will allow you to edit the document and add new content. The document button creates a new document in your Word program. To upload audio in a Word document, you will need to convert the audio file into an editable text file. This can be done by using the built-in converter in Word.

You can also use this service to convert any audio file into text. A few minutes should be enough for the process. You can follow some of these steps:

Step 1:

Launch Word Online, and if you still need to sign in, go ahead and do so now.

Step 2:

After that, launch a completely new document in Microsoft Word. After selecting the Home button from the navigation bar, move your finger over the pointing close to the Dictate tab on the display of accessible options. To continue, select Transcribe from the menu that drops down.

Step 3:

If you have never transcribed before, you must provide Microsoft with connectivity to your mic. You will see a notification with two different choices. You can upload an already existing recording or begin a brand new one. To move forward, click on the button to Start Recording.

Step 4:

The countdown clock will start when you select Start Recording, at which point you can begin to speak into the microphone. Despite this, the entire transcript doesn’t occur while you speak. After pausing, you can restart the recording by pressing the Dictate icon. Ensure that the transcribe pane is left open while a recording occurs.

Step 5:

When you finish the recording, press the Save and Transcribe Now button.

How to use Audio to Text In Word?

How to Convert Audio to Text in Word? Softlist.io

Audio To Text Converter Software is the most powerful and affordable audio and transcription results software for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X users. It can quickly convert your voice recordings into text using the same high-quality voice recognition engine of Dragon Dictate. The converted texts can be saved as Microsoft Word (.docx) files or formats like HTML (web page).

You can quickly turn any recording into a transcript by simply speaking into your microphone while you dictate the document. The software will then analyze your speech and turn it into text with complete formatting, including bolding, italics, etc., so it looks like what you would write on paper. A built-in spell checker will also ensure you get rid of any typos!

How useful is it?

How to Convert Audio to Text in Word? Softlist.io

An audio-to-text conversion is a handy tool for many reasons. It can be used to transcribe interviews, dictation, and speeches. The user can cut out the parts he/she does not want to hear anymore and keep the rest. You can search for keywords or phrases within your transcript when you convert audio files into text. This will help you in finding specific information quickly.

This tool can help you convert your audio file to text in a word document. It can be used for any purpose, such as transcribing audio files and converting them into PDF, DOC, and PPT formats. There are many benefits of using an audio-to-text converter like this one.


As expected, various ways to convert audio to text in Word exist. However, note that each is suitable for a different purpose, talking about the duration of their use. Depending on your needs and workflow. Please visit our website if you need more details.


What is the fastest way to transcribe?

The fastest way to transcribe is with a speech-to-text tool. The most common one is Google Text-to-Speech, which you can access by clicking on the microphone icon.

How long does it take to transcribe audio to text?

The time it takes to transcribe audio to text depends on the audio quality and if you are recording it yourself or if someone else is doing it.

Is it free?

Yes, it is free to use. You can download the app from Google play and start transcribing. It is an excellent tool for students and professionals who want to learn how to transcribe audio files into text.

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