
23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans

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Businesses today depend more and more on data. All kinds of organizations need to have access to a reliable database. With so many options on the market, choosing the best one for your business might take a lot of work.

We’ve made a list of the top 23 database management programs and how much they will cost in 2023. We will talk about everything from open-source software to complex business solutions.

This list has options for both cloud-based and installed apps on your computer. So, if you and your company are looking for new database management software, keep reading! You will discover how to choose the best one for you and your company’s needs.

1. Microsoft SQL Server

23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans Softlist.io

One of the best DBMSs is SQL Server from Microsoft. Since this database management system is free, many people use it. Its custom-built graphical integration of the best database designs has saved users a lot of time for years. The diagrams you make with this tool are also easy to add to a new or existing project library.

With the Object Explorer feature, users can see how tables were made. On the other hand, the Template Explorer is a group of script objects. You can use it to look up a lot of names in the database system. SQL Server also makes containers that let users put together views and scripts of a linked object or group.

Setting up a new database server from scratch can be simple. Makes different designs, tables, and data views without using syntax. It can deal with complex queries and work with other programs. Using a Developer Network feature makes more complex queries.

Pricing Plans

For personal usage or small projects, Express and Developer are free. You may choose to buy a Standard or Enterprise license. SQL Server 2016, the most popular, costs $931 for a Standard License.


Securely stream your Windows experience from the Microsoft cloud to any device.

2. Improvado

23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans Softlist.io

One of the best database management tools for information about revenue is called Improvado. The package includes both database and ETL functions. More than 300 different data sources give the platform information about marketing and sales. Data from many other platforms need to be put together and given meaning.

There are features in Improvado that clean and change data automatically. It can make sure that future analyses are based on the best possible insights.

With Improvado, sales, and marketing teams no longer have to use the same data storage system. The platform gives users access to a third-party managed DBMS like BigQuery, Snowflake, or Clickhouse.

The most important thing for marketers to know about DBMS is that they don’t need technical skills or staff to use it. Teams get a solution that is ready to use and looks like a spreadsheet. It doesn’t need any coding. Also, Improvado is a better data warehouse solution than some of the most popular ones. They are known for changing data in complex ways that save money.

Pricing Plans

Pricing for Improvado is based on what clients need and what their business goals are. The final price will depend on how many data sources you want to use and what other features you may want.

To get started with Improvado right away, click here.

3. My SQL

23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans Softlist.io

My SQL is a tool for quickly working with and processing data with a wide range of features. The device is made to make your databases more secure and able to grow.

It is a reliable database management system that is also cost-effective and gives a technical support. It can provide you with protection against possible risks. You can also use complex MySQL applications on business sites with a lot of traffic.

Because it has a low cost structure, it works well for small businesses and entrepreneurs. Even if you have never programmed before, it’s easy to learn the basics.

Pricing Plans

It begins with three plans for MySQL Standard are $2,000, $5,000, and $10,000.

To get started with My SQL right away, click here.

4. Postgre SQL

23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans Softlist.io

PostgreSQL is a relational database management system (DBMS) for companies that deal with a lot of data. It is a popular choice because it can index, be set up, and import and export data.

PostgreSQL works well with Python and JSON, which is a big plus. It makes both NoSQL and relational databases. The PostgreSQL community has also made many useful plug-ins.

The DBMS system can handle a massive amount of data. It has well-known security features like different authentication methods, encryption, and access controls. It is easy to set up on both Linux and Windows, and there are a lot of tutorials and other ways to learn about it.

PostgreSQL is perfect for businesses that deal with a lot of data. It is ideal for them if they need a secure, reliable, and scalable DBMS.

Pricing Plans

Postgre SQL has not provided pricing information for this product or service. Contact Postgre SQL for up-to-date price details.

To get started with Postgre SQL right away, click here.

5. Oracle RDBMS

23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans Softlist.io

In recent years, Oracle’s Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) has come a long way. The latest version can handle more enormous databases, less storage space, more security, and faster data processing. It is one of the best object-relational DBMSs.

Oracle RDBMS works on all kinds of computers, from simple to mighty. Active designs let the software have its own unique way of referring to things.

Database administrators can set up partitions to keep track of their data and make transactions run more smoothly. The software stops data leaks and other problems from happening.

Oracle RDBMS is an excellent choice for operating systems that you can trust and that work well. It is a popular choice for businesses of all sizes because it is flexible, has a lot of features, and is safe.

Pricing Plans

Contact Oracle for up-to-date price details and get a free trial!

To get started with Oracle RDBMS right away, click here.

6. Amazon RDS

23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans Softlist.io

Relational Database Service (RDS) from Amazon is a robust DBMS tool. The platform offers a dedicated, secure connection and automatic backups to keep your data safe. Amazon RDS makes it easy to change the size of a database.

Amazon RDS can handle a lot of work in one or multiple databases. It works well for all businesses and is very powerful. Users only pay for the site’s services that they use.

Another plus is that Amazon RDS can connect to MySQL, Oracle, or Microsoft SQL databases. It’s versatile for programmers. Point-in-recovery helps programmers who need storage that is flexible and scalable.

Amazon RDS gives businesses a reliable DBMS with a good user interface. Companies in many different fields use it because it has a lot of features, can grow as needed, and has flexible pricing.

Pricing Plans

Amazon RDS is free for users to try out. In reality, there is no bare minimum requirement to use the tool. You can pay for the resources you use when you use On-Demand.

To get started with Amazon RDS right away, click here.

7. Microsoft Access

23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans Softlist.io

Microsoft Access runs windows-only and affordable database management system. Many business uses exist. The software is excellent at making custom databases for your organization in different formats. IT organizations can get Microsoft Access at a price they can afford.

One of the best things about Microsoft Access is that you can make your own templates. These designs for web databases are perfect for keeping track of, reporting on, and sharing data. This makes workflows and teamwork better.

You can also use Word, Excel, and Outlook with Microsoft Access. Users can easily connect their databases to other Office apps with this interface. It can make them more productive and efficient.

Microsoft Access is a program for managing data that is both powerful and simple to use. Businesses of all sizes use it because it’s cheap, easy to use, and works with other Office Suite tools.

Pricing Plans

It begins with two annual plans ranging from $69 to $99 per year.

To get started with Microsoft Access right away, click here.

8. Razor SQL

23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans Softlist.io

A number of people use RazorSQL to manage and query databases. It checks the structure of schemas, tables, unidentified keys, indexes, and columns. SQL statements can be made, changed, or deleted by business users. You can also import Excel spreadsheets, data files with a fixed width, and files that have been expanded.

RazorSQL compares table data and queries across more than 20 programming languages. The software doesn’t need to be set up by hand, which makes it easy to use. It’s perfect for managing more than one database.

Data is automatically chosen and copied by RazorSQL. With this feature, users can quickly change data in a database. Users can use templates that come with the software or make their own. This makes things easier and gives you more options.

Pricing Plans

It begins with an annual plans for $99 per year.

To get started with Razor SQL right away, click here.

9. Informix

23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans Softlist.io

Informix Dynamics Server is a commercial database management system (DBMS) that lets businesses manage data in parallel. It’s perfect for companies with changing data needs because it can be changed and there are many ways to get help.

OLTP is where Informix Dynamics Server shines. OLTP is hard for most tools. The software works on tiny nodes that are made up of many layers. It works for businesses whose needs for managing data change over time.

It is unusual that Informix Dynamics Server uses both relational data and time series data simultaneously. With this feature, businesses can put together information from different places. This makes the data more accurate.

Informix Dynamics Server is robust, can grow, and can be changed (DBMS). It merges and processes data in parallel and on many threads. It is an excellent solution for businesses of any size that need to process a lot of data quickly.

Pricing Plans

Contact Informix for up-to-date price details and try it for free!

To get started with Informix right away, click here.

10. SQL Developer

23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans Softlist.io

SQL Developer is a free DBMS tool many developers use to design, build, and manage databases. It is known for being fast and able to handle many queries at once. This makes it a popular choice among developers. Also, SQL Developer lets users make queries in PDF, HTML, XML, or Excel, among other formats.

SQL Developer makes it easier to work with data in Oracle Database. It can run database apps from start to finish. Users can move their solutions for database modeling from other databases to Oracle.

Pricing Plans

SQL Developer still needs to provide pricing information for this product or service. Contact SQL Developer for up-to-date price details.

To get started with SQL Developer right away, click here.

11. EMS Database Management

23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans Softlist.io

The EMS Database Management Solution is a powerful database management tool that lets users make their own parts for analyzing data. The company that makes the software has great support for it. It is an excellent option for businesses that want all-in-one solutions for database management. EMS is also made to help people whose primary goal is to monitor and improve their existing databases.

The software works well, and its maintenance tools are easy to use. You are having it will make it easier for you to run complicated database management systems.

EMS works with a number of SQL tools, so users have a lot of choices for how to manage their databases. EMS makes it easy to run several SQL queries on databases simultaneously.

Pricing Plans

You can get it for $160 and use it for a lifetime.

To get started with EMS Database Management right away, click here.

12. Altibase

23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans Softlist.io

Altibase is a free DBMS tool that promises to process data quickly. It is a rare hybrid DBMS tool because it has an in-memory database that can store a lot of data on a single disk. This is what makes it unique. Altibase also gives users a lot of options for scale-out sharding.

Altibase is easier to get to and is used in many different fields. It is flexible and fast because its unified engine works with both in-memory and disk-resident databases.

Because part of the database objects is stored in memory, it can process data quickly. Extensive scale-out sharding options make it easy to manage large amounts of data. The database engine is flexible and fast and works with both in-memory and disk-resident databases.

Pricing Plans

Altibase has not provided pricing information for this product or service. Contact them for up-to-date price details.

To get started with Altibase right away, click here.

13. IBM DB2

23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans Softlist.io

The new version of IBM DB2 is praised for how quickly it handles queries. This makes it an excellent choice for managing both simple and complex database engines. Also, the updated DBMS tool now works with different data science languages, which makes it more valuable. IBM DB2 is also famous because it is easy to install and set up and can quickly store data.

IBM DB2 has a lot of great features, such as advanced AI capabilities. With it, you can easily manage and structure large sets of complex data. Also, you can use the software in both private and cloud environments. This gives users the flexibility and scalability they need to meet their own needs.

Pricing Plans

The “community edition” of the software can be downloaded and used for free. For 90 days, the Basic edition costs $1,850 per virtual processor core (VPC), while the Advanced edition costs $7,800 per VPC.

To get started with IBM DB2 right away, click here.

14. Redis

23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans Softlist.io

Redis was written in the ANSI C language, which might attract programmers. It can make sure that all operating systems can run it quickly. This DBMS tool also has multiple database formats and data types, like hashes, lists, and sets, which can help queries run soon. Redis also has a memory data structure that can index bitmaps, hyper logs, and streams. This makes it even easier to change and use.

Redis has a lot of benefits, such as the fact that it can automatically split up data and copy multiple databases. These features can make it easier for users to keep track of their data and help them do it better.

Pricing Plans

Use the promotional code TIGER200 for a short period, to begin with $200 in credits.

To get started with Redis right away, click here.

15. FileMaker

23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans Softlist.io

FileMaker is a great DBMS tool because it has excellent ways to connect to SQL and share information. The fact that users can make their own templates is one thing that makes FileMaker stand out.

It can help them do an excellent job of managing data reports, charts, and bills. Not only does this feature make it easier to collect data, but it also makes it look more professional and in the know.

FileMaker also has many benefits, such as an interface that is easy to use. Alliance trainers can also teach it in person, which makes it easy to learn and use.

Pricing Plans

It begins with six monthly plans ranging from $21 to $274 per month.

To get started with FileMaker right away, click here.

16. Teradata

23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans Softlist.io

Teradata is the first database management system (DBMS) tool that can quickly and easily import and export data. Teradata is a popular choice among users because it can quickly and efficiently distribute large databases.

It can also process data in real-time. People really like the data analysis features of this tool. They are known to help businesses run smoothly at the enterprise level.

Teradata has a lot of benefits, like well-designed permission controls that make it easy for users to keep track of and collect their data. Teradata also makes it easy to keep all kinds of data in one place. It can use flexible multi-variant data formats. This gives people more options and freedom. Teradata is a very reliable and helpful DBMS tool because of these features.

Pricing Plans

Contact Teradata for up-to-date price details, and you may get a FREE quote!

To get started with Teradata right away, click here.

17. SQLite

23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans Softlist.io

SQLite is a database management system (DBMS) tool made for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). It’s easy to store and manage data because of how light and friendly the layout are. The tool’s SQL engine is very reliable and works independently, making it more efficient and effective. Also, SQLite is available on several mobile apps, so users can access their data while on the go. 

SQLite has several benefits, such as its taking little space or time to set up. This makes it a good choice for users who want a quick and easy installation process.

Also, SQLite has a stable and compatible file format. It lets data run on different platforms. This gives users more freedom and convenience. SQLite is a good DBMS tool for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) because it has these features.

Pricing Plans

SQLite still needs to provide pricing information for this product or service. Contact them for up-to-date price details.

To get started with SQLite right away, click here.

18. Advanced Query Tool

23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans Softlist.io

Developers and people who run databases often use the Advanced Query Tool. It can handle tasks that are hard to manage data. You can use this tool in many ways. For example, it shows database objects in a tree structure, which makes the logging process easier to understand and control.

Also, users can describe each object in their own creative way. It can help them be better at managing data. Users can also highlight queries and charts with this tool, making it easier to manage their data.

Using the Advanced Query Tool is a quick and reliable way to deal with complex data management tasks. It is a good choice for people who want a powerful DBMS tool that is also easy to use because of its friendly interface and intuitive features.

Pricing Plans

It begins with five plans ranging from $125 to $420 per license.

To get started with the Advanced Query Tool right away, click here.

19. Robot 3T

23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans Softlist.io

Robot 3T, which used to be called Robomongo, is a strong DBMS. The built-in functions of this tool make it reliable and valid. It’s easy to build queries with its drag-and-drop interface.

Robot 3T also automates tasks that are done over and over again. This makes it easier to manage data. IntelliShell makes writing queries easier by auto-completing them. 

Users can build and split questions at every stage and section, giving them more freedom and convenience.

Robot 3T can easily handle vast amounts of work and complex data-handling tasks. It is easy to use and powerful, which is why database administrators and developers like it.

Pricing Plans

Robot 3T still needs to provide pricing information for this product or service. Contact them for up-to-date price details and try it for FREE.

To get started with Robot 3T right away, click here.

20. Couchbase

23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans Softlist.io

The Couchbase DBMS tool makes it easy and quick to build databases. Users can make schema access patterns with this tool. The answers can be different for each integrated application. This makes it easier to deal with complex data. The tool’s scalability options make it possible to keep sending data, which makes it more valuable.

With low transmission latency, Couchbase DBMS can handle small and medium-sized databases. It makes managing and moving data easier. Data stays correct because the technology keeps it from getting messed up.

Couchbase DBMS is a sound system for businesses to manage their databases. They need it to get better and grow.

Pricing Plans

Couchbase has not provided pricing information for this product or service. Contact them for up-to-date price details and try it for FREE.

To get started with Couchbase right away, click here.

21. Toad

23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans Softlist.io

Toad is a DBMS tool that is known for being easy to set up and format. This makes it a popular choice for aligning strategic data initiatives among database analysts. It also reduces the time and money needed to send data.

Toad is a great tool for businesses that want to improve their data management practices. It can be used to create future data cycles based on performance.

Also, the cost of the application is low, which means that new users looking for a cheap DBMS solution can use it.

Pricing Plans

For between $870 and $4,900 per seat, you can buy a commercial version of Toad.

To get started with Toad right away, click here.

22. Cloudera

23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans Softlist.io

Cloudera is a powerful DBMS tool that is often used by big businesses. It can handle large amounts of data and has the best security features. The tool has excellent performance efficiency lets it run independent analytical tools. It also has machine learning algorithms that can be used to manage complex data structures.

One of the best things about Cloudera is that there is little chance of data lock-in. This means that users can move their data to other platforms if needed. Also, the tool provides a secure connection. With it, businesses can be more productive and save money because there is less risk of data breaches.

Pricing Plans

Contact Cloudera for up-to-date price details and get a free quote!

To get started with Cloudera right away, click here.

23. Server Density

23 Best Database Management Software Price Plans Softlist.io

Server Density is a cloud-based DBMS software that you can use online. It has an easy-to-use graphical dashboard that helps users manage and track how well data is doing. It is made for businesses that want to find problems early and take care of them.

The tool makes it easy to execute data from a distance. It also gives cloud service providers better visibility. It may help businesses get the most out of the cloud and keep costs under control.

Pricing Plans

It begins with six monthly plans ranging from $10 to $250.

To get started with Server Density right away, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Database Management Software?

Database Management Software (DBMS) is a piece of software that organizes and manages the information in a database. It gives users a way to interact with the database and add, remove, change, and get data.

DBMS also allows you to control who can access the database and ensure the data is correct and consistent. For example, you can use rules to ensure the data is always accurate and consistent. Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and PostgreSQL are all examples of well-known DBMS.

Why does DBMS need to make sure that standards are followed?

Interoperability. Standards are a set of rules and procedures for managing data that everyone uses. This makes it easier for many systems to share information and talk to each other. Also, following standards make sure that data is stored in a uniform, organized way. It will be much easier to find and find.

Using standards can also help make sure that the database is safe and follows all rules.

In general, following standards ensures that data is kept in a consistent, safe, and organized way. This makes it easier to use, safer, and easier to keep track of.

In the context of DBMS, what does “Data Abstraction” mean?

The process of data abstraction is to hide the details of data from people who use it every day.

The fact that DBMS hides information from users is very inconvenient. It only tells the reader things that are important to them.

Final Thoughts

Finding the right database management software for your business can be challenging. Choosing is hard, especially when pricing plans are taken into account. We’ve made a list of the 23 best choices for 2023.

You can easily compare features and prices to find the best data management solution for your company’s needs and budget. Remember to think about scalability, security, and how easy it is to use when making your choice.

And if you still need to figure it out, you can try out most of the solutions on our list for free. You can try them out first before choosing. Then why not just do it? Use what you’ve learned here to start looking for the best database management software on our website.

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