
From Data to Strategy: 37 Best AI Marketing Analytics Tools

From Data to Strategy: 37 Best AI Marketing Analytics Tools
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Marketing analytics is the process of analyzing data and finding patterns, to increase marketing efficiency. To gain valuable insights from your marketing analytics, you need the right tools to do the job. You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for the 37 Best AI Marketing Analytics.


From Data to Strategy: 37 Best AI Marketing Analytics Tools Softlist.io

HubSpot is the leader in inbound marketing software, and it’s a great tool for tracking marketing performance. It can be used as a CRM, website builder, and conversion and lead generation tool. HubSpot also provides a wide range of reporting tools that allow you to track your data in one place.

HubSpot analytics is a powerful tool for understanding how your marketing efforts are performing. The platform includes data from your website, social media accounts, and email marketing campaigns. You can use this information to analyze trends and decide what works best for your business.

HubSpot also has a built-in CRM (customer relationship management) system that allows you to manage contacts, track emails sent and received, create sales campaigns, and more. The HubSpot analytics dashboard overviews your business’ performance across all channels.


  • Free
  • Starter: $18/month
  • Professional: $800/month
HubSpot CRM

Transform your business into a revenue generating machine by creating delightful customer experiences.


From Data to Strategy: 37 Best AI Marketing Analytics Tools Softlist.io

BuzzSumo marketing analytics is a tool that allows you to see what content performs the best on social media platforms. The tool is useful because it allows you to see what type of content should be shared, which can then be used as a template for future posts.

The tool also has features that allow you to see how well your content performs on social media platforms. This is valuable because it helps you understand what type of content works best for your audience and what doesn’t.